Scalable React & TypeScript at NDC Minnesota

I'm having a tough time coming to terms with what I'm about to write--but I'm honored that my scalable React and TypeScript talk has been accepted for NDC Minnesota!
NDC is a big deal and I will be sharing the spotlight with such ubiquitous experts like K. Scott Allen & Michelle Bustamante, both of whom are giving workshops I can't decide between, Steve Sanderson, Brock Allen, and more. OK OK sure, it's not NDC London or NDC Sydney--but it's still NDC and I still can't believe I was accepted. This is also a huge personal milestone as this will be my first conference that isn't just local.
About the talk
If you don't really follow me and are wondering what the talk will be about, well, you can watch it online (spoiler alert!). But I promise it's going to be different and better, somehow. In fact, my React rewrite might actually be done by then!
I. am. terrified.
Followed closely behind my excitement is a looming wave of terror--as I will need to refine, revamp, and level up my talk for a bigger audience. I've done it twice (once at Midwest.js and once within Target) and now I pray the third time will be a homerun.
2018 is starting strong
As far as my goals for the year go, I think I have a good start. I've got a workshop lined up for May as well, my Pluralsight course is almost ready, and now I'm speaking at NDC. I've also been nominated for a Microsoft MVP (oops, did I not mention that... shh, the two of you who read this keep it down). We also just bought a house. And it's only January.