Answering "So what?" on your resume
Yesterday we took this resume experience line item:
Focus on improving React frontend performance of components
and pages to reduce excessive rendering and optimize hot code paths. Search and listing pages time-to-interactive (TTI) improved by 8% YTD.
And made it into:
Improve page interaction speed by 8% YTD for search and home pages
But it still left us hanging: so what?
"Page interaction speed" is product-level value. It's a good metric to improve but it doesn't describe how (if at all) it impacted the business.
Can you move up a level of business abstraction?
If you could draw the line between page performance and sales metrics, the preference would be something like this:
Increase cart conversion by 1.2% YTD leading to $45MM incremental sales by optimizing page interaction metrics
Now that's an answer to, "So what?" 💥
What can you do if you don't have the data available to draw such a clear line?
Stay tuned.