Skill tree of Mind

The third transition ability is Mind. Actually, I originally listed this as Mindset but if your mindset is measured as a spectrum of fixed -> growth, then perhaps it's more of a "derived attribute" based on your overall character state.

So with that in mind (heh), the two major skills of Mind are Mindfulness and Critical Thinking.

  • Mindfulness: Govers the effectiveness of maintaining your mental well-being and how well you understand others
  • Critical Thinking: Governs the effectiveness of how you analyze, interpret, and observe facts

And the skill tree with minor skills:

How this breaks down using me as the example (low-mid-high):

  • Mindfulness: Mid. This is something I've been actively working through over the past couple years and why coaching has been so beneficial. When you quit or do any kind of transition, there are soooo many limiting beliefs you need to overcome. Plus, you have to take care of yourself. See a therapist? Mark XP. Developing empathy for others is also a learned skill that you can practice.
  • Critical Thinking: Mid-High. Maybe I'm being too generous but since I was a kid I've gravitated towards problem solving. It's why I enjoy programming. And I like to think I'm observant. I hesitate to say "high" because I feel like I still need to work on Conceptualization – that is articulating my thoughts into frameworks or visualizations that other people "get."

Why does this matter?

As I said originally and reiterated above, mindfulness (and overall mindset) is key to quitting. Being an employee is the easier path. There are more variables and factors to deal with working for yourself. You trade one set of stresses for others. But when your mindfulness skills are higher, you are more effective at dealing with (and expecting) the stress.

The Founder archetype who has to deal with employees likely requires high Mindfulness – you're dealing with not only your stress but everyone else's. You have to understand lots of different people's POV. Having low Empathy is going to make it harder to be effective (and explains so many working environments).

The Consultant archetype benefits from high Critical Thinking skills as you develop your own systems, processes, and conceptual frameworks to work with clients and your authority.

Similarly, The Trainer would benefit from explaining concepts to the people they teach and probably also requires a decent level of Empathy.


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Yes, yes, yes, we must focus on sword-swinging skills above all else, there are no other skills we should concern ourselves with. Brawn over brain, you know.

List out the major and minor skills and evaluate where you think you stand (low-mid-high). Are there archetypes you're thinking about that might require some changes?